เสาร์ :: At the Salad Bar-5 Rules to Follow

>> Salad Bar > 

1. Begin with a base of healthy greens.
a. Go for those with the deepest green color. The more color, the more disease-busting phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals it will have.
b. Keep in mind that iceberg lettuce offers minimal nutritional value.

2. Add as many richly colored fruits and veggies as possible.
a. Salad bar superstars include red onions, carrots, broccoli florets, tomatoes, bell peppers, olives, berries, cantaloupe and red grapes.
b. Remember, fruits and vegetables are the best option for those who want high nutrient content and satiety with low calories.

3. Always include approximately 3 ounces of healthy, lean protein for longer lasting appetite control.
a. 3 oz is about the size of your palm. Your best choices include skinless turkey or chicken, hard-cooked eggs or low-fat cottage cheese. Shrimp and fish are also fantastic.
b. Vegetable-protein alternatives are an excellent choice and include tofu squares, chick peas or other beans, and nuts and seeds.

4. Top the salad with the dressing known to protect your health and your heart—olive oil and vinegar.
a. If not available, choose a reduced fat variety or vinaigrette

5. Avoid the thicker, creamier varieties—they are generally made from a less-healthy oil base—and stay away from fat-free as they are high in sugar.

6. Avoid the “white stuff”—pasta salads, potato salad, croutons, chicken salads, etc.
a. Avoid the “Great White Hazards”—foods made from white flour (bread, cakes, cookies, pasta, bagels, rolls, crackers, pretzels, pizza dough..etc.)
b. Avoid white potatoes in any form-baked mashed fried
c. Sweet potatoes are fine

Wellness Council of America Presents: Eat Right for Life
By Ann G. Kulze, MD

ขอบคุณ : http://boonecountyymca.blogspot.com/2011/09/at-salad-bar-5-rules-to-follow.html

